It is a process, not an event. It is the process of using data to understand too many different things, to understand the world. Let Suppose when you have a model or proposed explanation of a problem, and you try to validate that proposed explanation or model with your data.
Python Overview
- Features of Python
- Environment Setup
- Running Mode of Python
Basic Syntax
- Python Identifier
- Reserve Words
- Lines and Indentation
- Multi-Line Statements
- Quotation in Python
- Comments in Python
- Using Blank Lines
- Waiting for the User
- Multiple Statements on a Single Line
- Multiple Statement Groups as Suites
- Assigning Values to variables
- Multiple Assignment
- Standard Data Types
- Python Numbers
- Python String
- Python List
- Python Tuples
- Python Dictionary
- Data Type Conversion
Basic Oprators
- Types of Operators
- Python Arithmetic Operators
- Python Comparison Operators
- Python Assignment Operators
- Python Bitwise Operators
- Python Logical Operators
- Python Membership Operators
- Python Identity Operators
- Python Operators Precedence
Decision Making
- If Statement
- If…else Statement
- Else if Statement
- Nested Statement
- Single Statement Suites
- Defining a Function
- Calling a Function
- Function Arguments
- Pass By Reference Vs Value
- The Anonymous Functions
- The Return Statement
- Scope of Variables
What is Exception
- Handling An Exception
- The except Clause with No Exceptions
- The except Clause with Multiple Exceptions
- The try-finally Clause
- Argument Of an Exception
- Raising an Exception
- User Defined Exceptions
What Is Module?
- Import Statement
- From… Import Statement
- From… Import* Statement
- Locating Modules
- The PYTHONPATH variable
- Namespaces and Scoping
- The dir() function
- The globals() and locals() Functions
- The reload() Function
- Packages in Python
What is Database?
- Database Connection
- Creating Database Table
- Insert Operation
- Read Operation
- Update Operation
- Delete Operation
- Performing Transactions
- Commit Operation
- Rollback Operation
- Disconnecting Database
- Handling Error
What is OOPS Overview?
- Creating Class
- Creating Object
- Accessing Attributes
- Built-In-Class Attributes
- Destroying Objects (Garbage Collection)
- Class Inheritance
- Overriding Methods
- Overloading Operators
- Data Hiding